

Mozart Dumplings

This recipe started out as a joke, though ended up being something really special. Its delicious, but very, very filling. Its intended to be a dessert, though two of them usually totally fill me up, and I would consider them enough as a whole main dish.

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Sweet Mustard (3 Variations)

After over a year I finally ran out of fermented mustard. Time for a new batch and several new variations. This time I opted for sweet mustard.

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Crispy Sweet Sour Tofu

I always assumed sweet sour sauce requires some exotic ingredients and is hard to make. I was wrong. Its one of the simplest sauces you can make. For my first try I made sweet sour sauce with crispy tofu. I’m sure Ill try this with a lot of other things in the future.

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Pesto Pizza Rings

This recipe is less about the ingredients but more about shaping the dough. It allows filling pizza dough with wet and oily fillings without making a mess on your pizza stone.

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Cooking Wip

Simple Asian Noodles [W.I.P.]

After experimenting a lot with asian food I wanted to create something that is easy to make and works with basically any vegetables left overs that one could find in the fridge. The recipe is not quite there yet, but it is already on a good way.

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Pasta Ala Norma

At its core pasta ala norma is pasta with tomato sauce with a fat dripping twist. Fried eggplant and a bit of parmesan elevate a simple tomato sauce to a whole other level. Thanks Viccy for introducing me to this amazing dish.

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Breaded Bavarian Meat Loaf

Breaded bavarian meat loaf is a dish I never saw outside my moms kitchen. Maybe that’s because most austrians would prefer the well known Wienerschnitzel. Though for me this meal does bring back a lot of childhood memories. And the intense flavor of bavarian meat loaf does work very well together with the mashed potatoes. Definitive worth a try, once you tried a traditional Wienerschnitzel of course ;).

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Chinese Chili Paste & Oil

In several recipes I tried over the past month chinese chili oil or paste were on the ingredient list. As I had most ingredients at home I tried to reproduce it. Its not totally authentic, but its close enough and it does taste amazing.

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Bread Baking

Potato Pide

Pide is a Turkish bread. In this variant I filled it with potato cheese and onions. Other variants will follow soon.

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Mapo Tofu

Mapo tofu is my first meal combining meat with tofu. It took quite a while to get this recipe to a point where I was pleased with it though now I really love it.

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Kimchi is a traditional fermented korean side dish. The latest batch was pretty good. I’m still experimenting with, but I would consider the latest version a good base.

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Bread Baking

Easter Bread

This recipe is based on the easter bread recipe my mom used to make. Basically its a sweet potato based milk bread. It is great with marmalade but also amazing with easter ham and horseradish.

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Cabbage Spätzle

Cabbage spätzle is a really simple but delicious austrian meal. For my version I’m using brussels sprouts instead of cabbage, though that is optional. Use whatever you have at hand.

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Shelfable Pesto

Wild Garlic Pesto

Wild garlic pesto makes a very easy and fast pasta dish. I played around with a recipe the last years, though never wrote it down. The current recipe is a good base, though not totally what I want it to bee. As wild garlic is pretty much seasonal Ill most likely will try another batch next year.

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Beginner Chocolate Coffee Cake

This is my first try on a chocolate cake. I decided to make the process as easy and fast as possible. Naturally this leaves space for improvements here and there. Though I would argue that, while the process is very simplistic, the result is still pretty fancy. And of course delicious.

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Garam Masala Meatballs

I remember making indian garam masala meatballs during my studies, though could not remember the recipe. For this one I used a lot of spices from the korean kitchen. The meat balls are spot on, though the sauce might benefit from some more experimenting.

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Udon Noodles

Udon noodles are japanese noodles. The dough has very low hydration which makes it hard to knead and roll out per hand. Though they are pretty easy to make with a pasta machine. They are a nice side dish for curries and other asian dishes.

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