

Fast Lentil Dish

This is a very simple lentils dish that once can whip out in a few minutes if you have cooked lentils ready to go. Its more a reminder to myself rather than a real recipe .

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Peach Jam

Our second jam this season has a twist. We wanted to add some acidity to the extreme sweetness of the peaches. Rather than go for the default lemon acid we decided to use pineapple instead. Not enough to actually taste it, but enough to give the jam an amazing exotic acidity.

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Currant Meringue Cake

Red currant meringue cake is one of the cakes I remember dearly from my childhood. My mother usually baked it on a flat baking tray though I adapted the recipe to a small spring form to fit our needs.

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Apricot Jam

Following our tradition to try one type of jam per summer we decided to go for apricot jam. Its one of my all-time favorites. Thanks Eva for the jars and apricots ;)

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Lemon Humus

Humus is a very nice side dish for a lot of oriental dishes. I still have not got a good recipe for classic humus, though I do experiment a lot with other versions. This one is a very refreshing fruity one. Its great on its own, but also distinct enough to be served in combination with traditional humus.

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Shelfable Pesto

Basil Pesto & Salt

I love basil. Usually I do make basil salt to be able to enjoy it all year long. Though as I had an incredible harvest this year I decided to make basil pesto as well.

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Dessert Wip

Apricot Ice [W.I.P.]

Another very simple ice cream recipe. You don’t need an ice cream machine for this, though you will need a good blender to make this work.

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Curd Cheese Pancake

This is a bit of a weird one. The recipe is a mixture of curd cheese dumplings and Kaiserschmarrn. With a craving for sweet dumplings but the lack of motivation of making them I opted for something quick. Later tries showed that this recipe can be eaten with basically all topics one could imagine. Its a weird one, but one I really love making.

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Banana Ice

This is a super simple recipe. You don’t need an ice cream machine for this, though you will need a good blender to make this work.

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Chocolate Cinnamon Halva

Halva is an amazing Turkish desert that just melts in your mouth. Its incredible easy to make and allows for a lot of flavor experimentation. This is a basic variant with cocoa and cinnamon though I have several ideas for further variants.

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Baking Bread

Mild Sourdough Bread with Lavender

This dense and mild sourdough bread has a lot of sweetness to it. With a dash of lavender it really stands out from the usual bread I make though still fits for most toppings. Thanks for the inspiration Hauni.

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Four Hour Pizza Dough

Excellent sourdough pizza dough requires quite some resting time for a long fermentation. However, you can still make good pizza dough in a few hours. This post contains two recipes, one for a sourdough and one for a yeast based pizza dough that are ready within 4 hours.

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Mozart Dumplings

This recipe started out as a joke, though ended up being something really special. Its delicious, but very, very filling. Its intended to be a dessert, though two of them usually totally fill me up, and I would consider them enough as a whole main dish.

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Sweet Mustard (3 Variations)

After over a year I finally ran out of fermented mustard. Time for a new batch and several new variations. This time I opted for sweet mustard.

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Crispy Sweet Sour Tofu

I always assumed sweet sour sauce requires some exotic ingredients and is hard to make. I was wrong. Its one of the simplest sauces you can make. For my first try I made sweet sour sauce with crispy tofu. I’m sure Ill try this with a lot of other things in the future.

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Pesto Pizza Rings

This recipe is less about the ingredients but more about shaping the dough. It allows filling pizza dough with wet and oily fillings without making a mess on your pizza stone.

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Cooking Wip

Simple Asian Noodles [W.I.P.]

After experimenting a lot with asian food I wanted to create something that is easy to make and works with basically any vegetables left overs that one could find in the fridge. The recipe is not quite there yet, but it is already on a good way.

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