
Bread Baking

Easy Tangy Sourdough Bread

This recipe is following the beginner sourdough bread guide and combines the ingredients of two of my favorite bread recipes with high hydration and an amazing tangy flavor that can hardly be archived when baking without baking forms.

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Meatloaf is a pretty often served meal in austria though I have not made it often. Right now this recipe is a good base, though its nothing special. Ill have to play around a bit more to make it outstanding.

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Bread Baking

Light Seeds Bread

This light seeds bread was a reminder to write down when ingredients when experimenting. First version was amazing, but reproducing it was a pain. Took me about 5 iterations to get to a point where it is near to what I want it to taste.

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Chicken Soup Dumplings

These are the dumplings I got as a kid when being sick, usually in chicken soup. I still directly associate them with being sick, though I do like them nevertheless.

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Bread Baking

Lazy/Beginner Sourdough Bread

When people ask me about how to make sourdough bread I usually start a 30 minutes monolog. With this recipe I aim for the total opposite. This recipe explains the bare minimum that you need to do to get awesome tasting sourdough bread. It is super easy, does not require kneading or any technique. It is perfect for experimenting with new ingredients and flavors or for whipping out bread fast.

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Sauerkraut (fermented cabbage) is very easy to make, and a great side dish for a lot of austrian food. It is often served with some meat and potatoes or dumplings. Though you can get creative with it and use it for a lot of other things as well.

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‘Mohnzopf’ is a pretty well known pastry in austria. While getting the traditional form down is a bit more tricky, using a bread baking form makes the task very easy. If you love poppy seeds, this recipe is something to try out for sure.

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‘Nusszopf’ is basically the sibling of ‘Mohnzopf’. Its pretty much the same thing with different filling. People usually have pretty strong opinions which one is better. Whatever you prefer, I found this recipe is easier to make as the filling is more dense and easier to handle.

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Fried Pineapples

I tried to get some decent fried desert for quite a while but without any success. Altering the approach resulted in this recipe. It is nothing that you would get in a chinese restaurant, though it does deliver in colour and crisp. Two factors that are important for this dish in my humble opinion.

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Spinach Bread Dumplings V2

This second variation of spinach bread dumplings came to live by accident. As I added too much salt to a regular batch without more ingredients to add I had to become creative. A delicious alternative was born.

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Pickled Onions

This is a very simple recipe that can be used in a lot of other fast dishes such as salads or sandwiches.

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White Bean Humus

White bean humus is a really nice and easy dip that goes with quite a lot of dishes. For this version I do use mostly canned ingredients, so it is super fast to prepare.

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Advanced Pizza Dough

This is my most advanced pizza recipe yet. Using a higher hydration, a long first fermentation as well as a different shaping technique it is more time-consuming and harder to get right than my others, but man is it worth it. However, if this is your first time making sourdough pizza, rather choose a difference recipe for the first tries.

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Vegetable Broth Bouillon Recipe

My second attempt at making vegetable broth. This time I used less celeriac but more onions. If you follow my process you will get a very intense raw vegetable broth as side product.

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Apple Raisin Chutney

This chutney was planned to be a plain apple chutney, though due to miscalculating the required ingredients I was in need of more ingredients. I decided to go with raisins and to my surprise the outcome was amazing. I still dislike the texture of the raisins, but the taste of the chutney is just delicious.

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Apple Compote

Its apple season. Time to make some apple compote. The recipe is pretty standard, nothing too special about it (yet). I would consider it a good baseline for further experiments.

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Baking Bread

Sunflower Seed Bread

This is a pretty simple sunflower seed sourdough bread that does not require a lot of steps before baking. If you prepare the dough at night (10 minutes time) you can bake it in the morning (45 minutes baking time).

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