This is a nice potatoe based side dish or snack. Perfect for a movie night.
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Usually I do not like to substitute meat but rather go for a different vegan dish instead. But vegan bolognese with soj granular does work exceptionally well. Especially if used for lasagne the taste and consistency is very close to its original counterpart.
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After all these years blogging I have not made brownies once. And I suppose the reason is that I just dont like them a lot. The recipe is good, though I just value other desserts more.
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Bibimbap is a korian dish that combines various vegetables, with rice and some sort of protein. This sauce recipe is miso based and a good allrounder to start with.
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Gyros spice is something I never really used, though for the kritharaki recipe I wanted to create my own mix. Its not fully developed yet but a very good starting point for further tweaking.
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A very simple and fast to prepare Kritharaki. Thanks Chrissy for the recipe.
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I never ate fish soup in my life, though recently got introduced to it (thanks Otto). This is my first try, resulting of a mixture of two family recipes. For a super fancy dish I was suprised how easy and fast this could be prepared.
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I loved Turkish delight as a kid. You could by it at basically any may marked, though nowerdays you usally ony get the soft version of it. By accident I stumbled about a recipe on the internet and I just had to try it. Its actually as simple as it is unhealthy as it is dangerous for your teeth. You just have to love it.
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This recipe is my personal nemesis. I had this one down to the dot, but did not wrote the recipe down. Recreating failed after multiple attempts and I did not care to even try for over two years. Still very much work in progress…
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First take on Pad Thai but surely not the last one. While this is a solid base I would add a few more things next time to spice it up.
read moreWip Dessert Baking
Work in progress. This is my second take on cookies. I played around with ingredients and while the result was good this recipe will require a few more tweeks to be outstanding.
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Pumpkin season is comming and I started it of with a very autumnal tortilla version. Pretty simple to prepare and tastes delicious.
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This toping is not for everybody, though I really do like it from time to time. Salmon, lemon and ricotta just wok so well together.
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This is not a recipe but a note on how not to cook fish.
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This version simplifies the process of making cereal while making it a bit more fancy.
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I tried to make sourdough rolls for quite some time now. I got some decent results, but never to a point where the effort would be justified. This recipe however is nearly as simple and easy as baking bread.
read moreBread Fermentation
This sourdough has a way milder taste than the rye counterpart I usually use for baking. It is not the best one to use for all types of breads, but for light wheat bread or pizza dough it awesome.
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I love my pizza dough recipe, though letting the doughlings rest in the fridge takes up a lot of space. To optimize the used space I tried to bulk ferment the dough and shape the doughlings a few hours before the pizza session.
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