


Oat Flake Based Granola Bar

Due to dried date paste I had to be creative and alter my normal granola bar recipe. The result was actually pretty nice. Still room to improve, but a very nice oat flake based version never the less.

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shelfable meat

Lamb Sausage

This is my first try on making sausages. I used the same meat ratio as for my recent salami recipe, though I added quite a lot of spices.

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shelfable curing

Salami - The White One

My first try on making salami. I played around with meat types and ended up with a way too high fat content as one can easily see by the color of the final product. The taste was amazing, though the consistency was too soft.

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shelfable curing

Cured Meat - Third Try

As the second try did not go well I decided to reproduce the first one. I made two batches, one using normal and one using smoked salt. The new batches worked out great.

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shelfable curing

Failed - Cured Meat Second Try

This is the second try on curing meat. This time I decided for a pork loin cut. I altered several variables and it did not work out this time.

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shelfable pesto

Carrot Top Pesto

This pesto is a delight. The combination of carrot tops and sunflower seeds works really well. Its the first pesto I made that does not require parmesan.

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shelfable curing

Cured Meat - First Try

Curing meat is something Id like to try for quite a while now. I finally decided to give it a go and I’m looking forward to the results and lessons learned. This post is more or less a journal of what I did and what it ended up being.

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Pickled Onions

This is a very simple recipe that can be used in a lot of other fast dishes such as salads or sandwiches.

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Vegetable Broth Bouillon Recipe

My second attempt at making vegetable broth. This time I used less celeriac but more onions. If you follow my process you will get a very intense raw vegetable broth as side product.

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Apple Raisin Chutney

This chutney was planned to be a plain apple chutney, though due to miscalculating the required ingredients I was in need of more ingredients. I decided to go with raisins and to my surprise the outcome was amazing. I still dislike the texture of the raisins, but the taste of the chutney is just delicious.

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Apple Compote

Its apple season. Time to make some apple compote. The recipe is pretty standard, nothing too special about it (yet). I would consider it a good baseline for further experiments.

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Peach Jam

Our second jam this season has a twist. We wanted to add some acidity to the extreme sweetness of the peaches. Rather than go for the default lemon acid we decided to use pineapple instead. Not enough to actually taste it, but enough to give the jam an amazing exotic acidity.

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Apricot Jam

Following our tradition to try one type of jam per summer we decided to go for apricot jam. Its one of my all-time favorites. Thanks Eva for the jars and apricots ;)

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shelfable pesto

Basil Pesto & Salt

I love basil. Usually I do make basil salt to be able to enjoy it all year long. Though as I had an incredible harvest this year I decided to make basil pesto as well.

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shelfable pesto

Wild Garlic Pesto

Wild garlic pesto makes a very easy and fast pasta dish. I played around with a recipe the last years, though never wrote it down. The current recipe is a good base, though not totally what I want it to bee. As wild garlic is pretty much seasonal Ill most likely will try another batch next year.

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Cheap Selfmade Vanilla Sugar

Making selefmade vanilla sugar is so simple that I never thought about writing it down. However, I noticed that I referenced this type of vanilla sugar quite often in my recipes so I thought I add it so its clear why I would add 50g vanilla sugar to something like tiramisu. Its super easy and cheap and every cook should have one jar filled with cheap vanilla sugar.

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