bread baking
Another Attempt To Bake Proper Roll
I never got into baking rolls due to the efforts involved and the not optimal results. This is another approach of getting the process down and good-looking results out.
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I never got into baking rolls due to the efforts involved and the not optimal results. This is another approach of getting the process down and good-looking results out.
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Currently I’m playing around with yeast rise times at different temperatures. Having a lot of carrot top pesto left I tried to combine them and ended up with this flat bread snack. Pretty delicious and for sure just the first version I made. Different toppings and sourdough variants are things I want to try in the nearish future.
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This experimental timetable for sourdough bread squeezes bulk fermentation, proofing and baking into 4h. Weirdly enough, it works. In general I like longer fermentations more, but its great to have a faster way at hand.
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Lye rolls are a very well known in Austria. As baking rolls in my oven is a pain (I don’t get the required temperatures for a good oven spring) I adapted the recipe a bit to get a decent looking result. Using a cake spring form allows for an easy process but still ends up in a beautiful shape.
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This is still work in progress. Its not there yet. The goal is to create a more dense white loaf with a round full taste. It does not aim for the exceptional taste or consistency, but rather to be a perfect neutral base for any kind of toppings.
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This recipe is following the beginner sourdough bread guide and combines the ingredients of two of my favorite bread recipes with high hydration and an amazing tangy flavor that can hardly be archived when baking without baking forms.
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This light seeds bread was a reminder to write down when ingredients when experimenting. First version was amazing, but reproducing it was a pain. Took me about 5 iterations to get to a point where it is near to what I want it to taste.
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When people ask me about how to make sourdough bread I usually start a 30 minutes monolog. With this recipe I aim for the total opposite. This recipe explains the bare minimum that you need to do to get awesome tasting sourdough bread. It is super easy, does not require kneading or any technique. It is perfect for experimenting with new ingredients and flavors or for whipping out bread fast.
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This is a pretty simple sunflower seed sourdough bread that does not require a lot of steps before baking. If you prepare the dough at night (10 minutes time) you can bake it in the morning (45 minutes baking time).
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This dense and mild sourdough bread has a lot of sweetness to it. With a dash of lavender it really stands out from the usual bread I make though still fits for most toppings. Thanks for the inspiration Hauni.
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Pide is a Turkish bread. In this variant I filled it with potato cheese and onions. Other variants will follow soon.
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This is a simple most basic timetable for my sourdough breads.
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This recipe is based on the easter bread recipe my mom used to make. Basically its a sweet potato based milk bread. It is great with marmalade but also amazing with easter ham and horseradish.
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Pita bread was on my todo list for quite a while. As it forms one big air pocket in the middle during baking it is super easy to fill. The main goal for this project was to bake pita bread in big batches and freeze them so one can toast them up at any given time.
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I’m not that into burgers, though I do make them once in a while. I’m still messing around with a good patty though I finally managed to make great burger bread. The recipe is actually very simple and pretty easy to make. You do need a bit of time for two resting periods though so keep that in mind.
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I used to make Kebap Döner quite often, though only with bought flat bread. I tried to make some myself and realized that, hands down, that bread is now the most important ingredient for self-made Kebap.
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Another bread variant, this time with pumpkin seeds. I used quite a bit of full spelt flour and tried to get a better crust, which turned out especially well.
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