Basic Humus

  • Post by Martinew
  • Feb 19, 2022

I finally come around to write down my basic humus recipe. Usually I do play around with additional spices on top of this base recipe depending on what I serve the humus with. But it is a good base and can be served as is especially if your other dishes have intense flavor and you want to balance that out a bit.

My blender really struggles if I use too less ingredients. There for I use two cans of chickpeas, though if yours can nicely process one can or if you are using a food processor you can easily half the amounts given.


  • 4 tbsp sesame seeds
  • 2 can of chickpeas
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • juice of half a lemon
  • 1/4 tsp cumin
  • 1 tbsp habanero honey
  • 60g olive oil
  • 80-100g ice cold water


Start by blending the sesame seeds until you have a fine powder. As an alternative you can also use tahini. Afterward add all ingredients but the water and let that mix for a bit. At the end add the ice cold water and blend at high speed for a nice and creamy consistency.


  • You can use more oil instead of water. Though in that case I would go for a more neutral oil.
  • When making spiced humus I often half the amount of sesame seeds to not interfere with the taste I am going after
  • In theory you can replace the lemon juice with vinegar. Though I would not recommend it. If you really need to do so (if you don’t have lemons at hand) go for the most neutral one you have (most likely a blank white one)