A few weeks back we got a lot of pears from our landlords garden. As we could not eat them all, we had to process them in other ways and I decided that I want to try making pear chutney. While this is my first try, the result was pretty good already and will be a very good base for further experimentation.
- 1kg ripe pears
- 230g sugar
- 200g white wine vinegar
- 5g citron acid (roughly same juice from one big lemon)
- 3pcs clove
- 1pcs green cardamon
- small piece of cinnamon
- half seeded bourbon scotch chili
- 5g salt
Peel and seed the pears and cut them into smaller pieces. Cut the chili into small pieces and add all ingredients into a pot. Bring the mixture to a boil and reduce the heat so it keeps simmering.
After about 10 minutes remove the cloves, cardamon and cinnamon pieces. Let the rest simmer for another 30-40 minutes. Stir once in a while, but do not over do it or your pear pieces will fall apart and you end up with a sauce rather than a chutney.
Prepare clean jars and fill the hot chutney. In case you have problems during filling, clean the jars edges. Then close it and turn them up side down. Let the jars rest until fully cooled down.