Making selefmade vanilla sugar is so simple that I never thought about writing it down. However, I noticed that I referenced this type of vanilla sugar quite often in my recipes so I thought I add it so its clear why I would add 50g vanilla sugar to something like tiramisu. Its super easy and cheap and every cook should have one jar filled with cheap vanilla sugar.
Making vanilla sugar is pretty easy. For a proper recipe you scrap the vanilla bean seeds out of the husk and mix it with sugar. After letting it rest for a few days the sugar will have very intense vanilla flavor.
This is the proper way of making vanilla sugar, however I usually never do that. Instead I use the husks, that are left overs in other recipes, to make vanilla sugar. I keep a 1kg jar of sugar on shelf and whenever I use vanilla beans I add the husks to that jar afterward.
The result is way less intense than using vanilla seeds, though for sweet dishes that usually does not matter. Whenever you normally would use 200g sugar and 1tbsp vanilla sugar, you now just use 150g sugar and 50g cheap vanilla sugar, depending on how intense your cheap version is.
- 1kg sugar
- vanilla bean husks leftovers from other recipes
Keep a jar of sugar on shelf. Add vanilla bean husks that you seeded for other recipes.