This is a base recipe for self made, fermented mustard. It is very low effort (other than getting your hands on yellow mustard seeds) and once finished it does hold up for months in the fridge.
- 450g water
- 150g brown mustard seeds
- 150g yellow mustard seeds
- 50g apple vinegar
- 14g salt
Mix everything in a (fermentation) jar and let it rest for three days in a warm environment. Do open up the jar once a day and mix everything so nothing bad can grow on top of it. Once the three days are over put the mustard in the fridge to stop the fermentation. Kept cold the mustard usually holds up for months.
Mustard Variations
Basic Mustard
You can simply use the mustard as is after fermenting it. One of my all time favorites as you do not get this kind of mustard often anywhere else. Otherwise you can also blend it, however you will most likely need to add some liquid to do so.
Sweet Mustard (v2)
- 300g Basic Mustard
- 25g honey
- 20g sugar
Blend all ingredients until you reach the consistency you want.
Note: I reduced the sugar a bit in the recipe as the first version was a bit too sweet.
Spicy Mustard [WIP]
- 300g Basic Mustard
- 35g yellow onion
- 20g sugar
- 1,5g turmeric powder
Blend all ingredients until you reach the consistency you want.
Note: I reduced the turmeric in the recipe as it was too intense in the first try. Also the recipe does lack a good sidekick. Adding tarragon or some other herbs or spices could help.
- Be aware that blending the mustard will increase the spiciness by quite a bit.
- The longer you let the mustard ferment, the more sour it will get. You can play around with the duration, but I would suggest to let it sit between two and four days.
- Yellow mustard is less spicy than the brown one. If you want less/more spiciness you can try to use different ratio than 50/50.