This is a very easy but super delicious dip for barbecuing that goes very well with potato and basically all grilled vegetables. It takes basically no preparation time, gets placed on the bbq and will be ready once your other grilled goods are done.
- petida cheese
- lemon verbena
- rosemary
- sage
- olive oil
I did not measure the amounts, though I used exactly what is shown in the picture above. Note: you can easily double up the cheese for this amount of herbs.
Get some tinfoil ready and drop a bit of olive oil in the middle. add the lemon verbena leaves as well as half of the rosemary. Place the petida cheese above it and top it off with the sage leaves, the rest of the rosemary as well as a bit of olive oil. Close of the tinfoil and place it on the side of the grill. Usually I put it on with the first batch of goods and it is done once we begin to eat.
You might have asked yourself why the picture does not show the finished. There is a reason for that, it simply does not look that great. Petida will not hold its form and there for will not look as yummy as helloumi or other grilled cheese. However, this should not be the main focus. As this is a dip, you can either portion it on plates or add it to a small bowl and mash the cheese together with the olive oil.
It is for sure nothing eye catching, but it is one of the best dips for grilled vegetables out there.
Sage is very intense. If you put it below the cheese it will cook in the olive oil and the cheeses sauce, giving it a very intense sage flavor. Rather place the sage leaves on top, that gives the cheese a good but decent sage note.
You can use feta cheese instead of petida, though feta is more intense and there for not my first choice for this dip.