First try on spring rolls. Quite a few lessons learned during the process but still resolved in a a delicious result.
Spring Rolls
- spring roll dough sheets
- 100g soy sprouts
- 130g spring onions
- 450g carrots
- 400g cabbage
- 1 lime
- 2 chicken breasts (optional)
Cut/grate the spring onions carrots and cabbage in thin slices. Ad some oil and the cut ingredients as well as the pressed lime into a wok/pan and let it cook until the vegetable is done. Add a bit salt and pepper to the mix. In case you want to add the chicken breasts, fry them in a second pan and cut it very thinly once it is done.
After everything is cooled down you can start to roll. The general work flow can be seen in the pictures below. Always add some water to the edges that you want to glue together in the next steps.
As this was our first time we had no clue what to and there for tried different shapes.
While the square form did feel the best during making them (as shown in the pictures below), the best ones for deep frying them were the roundish but shorter ones.
When frying, you need enough fat so the roles can float in it without touching the bottom. Also the oil has to be really hot for the wanted effect. Use oil that can stand that temperature (rape oil for example).
Note: The longer round ones easily ripped open at the ends, the square ones at the top during frying.
‘Low Fat’ Version
You can make the spring rolls in the oven which reduces the risk of them rip open (and get filled with oil). We formed them as described above, dipped them in oil, placed them on a baking tray and baked them at 200 degrees until golden brown.
They do not as beautiful as the deep fried versions, but they are still delicious and easier to make.
- 100ml soy sauce
- 3 cloves garlic
- big thumb of ginger
- one stalk lemon grass
Cut everything into small pieces and add it to the soy sauce. Let the sauce rest for an hour. You can sift the sauce before serving.
- tofu is not a good filling options, rather go with vegetables only
- use less filling per role so they won’t rip up during frying