Honestly this soup is not the most elaborate dish. Though I have fond memories of it from my childhood and to that day I really enjoy it. Its quite easy to make, no reason to not give it a try.
- 1kg potatoes
- 500g water
- 500g milk
- 250g sour cream
- 13g salt
- 1g carraway seeds
- 1,5tbsp starch
- 1,5tbsp cold water
Peel the potatoes and cube them into bit sice pieces. Add 500g water to a pot. The water should barely cover the potatoes, not more. Add the salt and carraway seeds and bring it to a boil. Let that simmer until the potatoes are soft.
Now add the milk and bring it to a boil again. Note that from now on the mix can easily burn if you do not stir, so keep at it.
Once it it hot, add the slurry. Under constant stiring, bring that to a boil before removing it from the heat. Now mix in the sour cream.
Serve while still hot
Note: Originally my mother mixed in 1,5tbsp flour with the sour cream instead of using a slurry. This however can easily result in lumps in addition to flocculation of the cream if it got too hot. Personally I really enjoyed the lumps for some reason as a child. The flocculation however annoys me so I switched to the slurry method instead.