Finnish oven pancakes are an easy to prepare sweet dish. The consistency is similar to milk rice, though with a crusty outside.
- 600g milk
- 250g flour
- 2 eggs
- 50g melted butter
- 15g cheap vanilla suggar (ca. 1 tbsp)
- bit of oil for the tray
Preheat the oven to 230 degrees. Mix all ingredients together and prepare a lightly oiled baking form.
You can slice the butter thinly, put it in the baking form and place it in the oven while heating it up. Once soft use the butter for the dough. The rest you can use to butter the form with.
Fill the mix into the tray right before you place it in the oven. Let it bake for about 25 minutes or until golden brown. Serve with some powdered sugar and your favorite jam.
Next time
- place the tray low in the oven. Otherwise the middle might not rise as nice as it could/should
maybe use a bit of baking powder, not mush, just a dash (tried 1g, did not make much difference)- maybe add more butter to the dough