Everybody knows how to make oven vegetables. Though some combination of spices and vegetables just work better than others. Here are some of my favorites.
- 700g popatoes
- 30g oil
- 5g salt
- 1/2tsp (1.25g) garlic powder
- 1/2tsp (1.25g) onion powder
- 1tsp (2.5g) red pepper powder
- 250g carrots
- 10g oil
- 1/2tsp (0.5g) dried thyme
- 2g salt
- pepper
- 2 big red onions (300g)
- 20g oil
- 3g salt
- 5tsp dried oregano (1g)
- yoghurt
- lemon
- mustard
- salt and pepper
Cut the vegetables, mix their dressings and marinade them. Distribute the carrots and potatoes on a baking tray. Bake them at 200 degrees for 10 minutes before adding the onions. Let them bake for an additional 15 minutes.
Next time…
- reduce potatoe marinade by half (except oil)
- add 50% more carrots (without altering marinade)