Fresh falafel made from dry chickpeas. This recipe does take some preparation time (especially without mill). You can however prepare more and freeze them, as they can be very delicious when prepared and unfrozen in the right way.
- 250g dried chickpeas
- 300g water
- 1 egg
- 2 small cloves garlic
- 1 tsp cumin
- 2 tsp salt
- 2 tsp black pepper
- 1 tsp coriander seeds
- 1/2 tsp baking powder
- 1/2 tsp baking soda
- hand full of fresh parsley
- oil to fry them
In addition to the base recipe you can add some spices to enhance the flavor depending on your needs:
- ginger springonion paste
- 1tbsp does gives a round flavor. You can use this for a good baseline
- 2tbsp give a noticeable refreshing ginger taste
- curry paste
- 1tsp gives an intense flavor. This does give an distinct asia feel flavor and does not fit to every side dish
- garam masala
- 1tsp gives a nice decent flavor. Garam masala does work pretty well with most other dishes. Though its more heavy and not as light and refreshing as the ginger spring onion paste.
Crush the dried chickpeas with your mill. Usually I do that in two steps first at the highest setting (9) and than on a mid to low one (4).
Bring the water to a boil and mix in the crushed chickpeas. Cover them and let them rest for an good hour.
(In case you do not have a mill, you have to soak the chickpeas for 12h and then cook them for 2h.)
Grind the pepper, cumin and coriander seeds, cut the parsley and mix all ingredients together with the chickpeas. Form them into balls or whatever form you prefer and fry them in a heat resistant oil over medium heat for about 5 minutes on each side. Note that the chickpeas do need the 10 minutes to fully cook, so do not get much shorter than that, rather reduce the heat for the next batch.
Once they are done (lightly golden brown) put them on a paper towel to drain.
Very good in salads or in falafel wraps.
You can spice the falafel up by adding different spices. I often make half of them with the base recipe and add a tsp curry paste or garam masala to the other half.
If you have too much dough you can pre-fry the rest. For this, only fry them for 5 minutes. Afterward let them cool down and freeze them. You can put the frozen falafel into a preheated oven for about 10 to 15 minutes and they are ready to eat.