These are the dumplings I got as a kid when being sick, usually in chicken soup. I still directly associate them with being sick, though I do like them nevertheless.
- 4 eggs
- 4 tsp oil
- 2g salt
- Some muscat
- 4 tbsp fresh or frozen parsley
- 130g bread crumbs (read instructions!)
First mix the egg, oil and spices together. Now add bread crumbs. You aim for a very soft consistency, one that barely allows you to form dumplings. This is key to get very soft dumplings afterward (which is what you very much want if you are sick and have a sour throat). As it is harder to form big dumplings with soft dough, Id rather go for smaller ones. I usually end up with around 12-20 dumplings, though it does not really matter. If they end up bigger, just cook them longer. Depending on the size cook them for 5-10 minutes.
Easiest way to handle soft dough is to form them and place them directly in hot water (or soup).
Enjoy, and in case you are sick, hope you are getting better soon.
- reduced salt, that was a typo