Long Fermented Sourdough - Part 1

  • Post by Martinew
  • Feb 15, 2023

Recently I tried a sourdough bread, fermented at room temperature for 1.5 days. I loved it. With a day of first and half a day for the second fermentation this is a totally different game than my usual recipes. Thanks for the inspiration Verena!

For the first test I went with a very basic recipe and a low hydration. Once the basics are dialed in Ill increase the water content.

Note: I did not turn the temperatue down during the open baking of the loaf in the picture above. With that low hydration it nearly burned. In general the loaf should not be that dark.


  • 250g fine spelt flour
  • 250g all purpose wheat flour
  • 10g salt
  • 15g fine spelt flour sourdough starter
  • 300g water


Mesure everything and mix it together until the water is absorbed. Let it rest for about 20 minutes before kneading it to a proper dough. Cover the dough and let it rest for one day before doing a set of stretch and folds and shaping it. Let it rest for another 12h before baking it for 20 minutes in a Dutch oven at 250 degrees covered, and another 20 minutes at 220 degrees uncovered. Let it fullly cool down before cutting into it.


Currently the temperature in the kitchen is between 17 and 20 degrees. In summer I expect the dough to rise faster, so a reduction in starter might be required to hit the 24 and 12h resting time (which are super nice to integrate in a normal working day).

The crumb and oven spring was amazing, even with the low hydration. Long fermentations might be the way to move bread to the next level. This recipe might be a great start to sourdough baguettes.